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UNC Bands Mobile App

The project: For my final project in my UX Design & Usability class, we were tasked with developing our own unique digital experience to solve a problem. As a class, we did a lot of design thinking exercises to help each other brainstorm and further develop digital solutions to the problems we were interested in solving.

The pitch: Our current UNC Bands website is filled to the brim with information and links, and it doesn't have a clear visual hierarchy or sense of organization. As a member of UNC Bands, I wanted to find an easier way for band students to access the online resources they need. My goal? To create a prototype of a practical, easy-to-use mobile application that all UNC Bands members could use to find the information they need to be successful at the touch of a button.

See my full project and design process by clicking here!

The content is organized in order of: Project summary/goals, audience analysis, asset list, style guide, 2 user personas, site structure map, sketched wireframes, link to designed interactive panels, and user testing including potential improvements to designed panels.

You can also click here to see my designed interactive panels.

This is a prototype in which only a few elements are interactive.

Potential design improvements: After taking in feedback from my user testing results, I made a few subtle changes to my app home screen panel to demonstrate how simpler lines and more color variation could make my app look a bit more modern and establish a clearer visual hierarchy.

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